Mixed Martial Arts

"So You Wanna Be A Fighter?..."

Not for the faint of heart!

The Ultimate Fighting Championship, "UFC", completely revolutionised and challenged the world of martial arts: it proves the superior effectiveness of ground fighting techniques in free standing combat. Our classes are combined of our Classical Japanese Ju Jutsu and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) also included; K1 kickboxing, Muay Thai, Grappling & Submission and Judo and makes our Ju Jutsu and Mixed Martial Arts fighting style clearly the very dynamic and technical. It effectively incorporates with a high energy resistance work out for strength and fitness. 

Strike standing or on the ground

Grappling & Submission

Classes Time

Juniors age 7+:

           Friday     5.00pm - 6.30pm

Adults age 16+:  

           Tuesday   7.15pm - 9.00pm  

           Thursday 7.15pm - 9.00pm

Picture Gallery Video Gallery